The Unnecessary Dragons – AGOT Submod

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Author: tuned

Last revision: 4 Aug at 22:31 UTC (5)

File size: 23.1 MB

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With dragons potentially being another bit away from being implemented into the A Game of Thrones modification, I have decided to tackle it myself by making a lite version, as a passion project. This was created over the last two to three weeks, and was my first foray back into coding for a Paradox game in some time. When the developers of the main mod eventually release their update, I will not continue supporting this submod. Until then, I hope you enjoy!

Load Order:
  • A Game of Thrones (Required)
  • AGOT Submod Core (Required)
  • Valyrian Steel (Required)
  • The Unnecessary Dragons
  • TUD – A Dragon Rider Start (Recommended)
  • Dragonblood Ascendancy (Recommended)



  • Custom Artifacts
  • Over 100+ Colour Schemes & Names
  • Dynamic Portrait & Description
  • Aging System
  • Death System – including Dragon Skulls
  • Custom Combat Score
  • Custom Memories


  • Valyrian Hatching Ritual
  • Check Dragon Nest
  • Burn Castle
  • Claim Wild Dragon


  • Claim Throne (By right of the Dragon)
  • A Dance of Dragons
  • Offer Mount
  • Cradle Egg
  • Claim Riderless Mount From Character
  • Feed Prisoner To Dragon

And more!

  • Rigid Location System
  • Modifiers
  • Dispersion Events

TUD Explained

A Valyrian Ritual
For starters, for a dragon to exist, it needs to be born. With this mod, you can be your timelines Daenerys, heralding the return of Dragons. When you get a dragon egg, be it starting as Aegon V or using the Valyrian Steel submod to sail into Valyria, you will have the decision to try and hatch it using a Valyrian Hatching Ritual. Now, this hatching ritual is Valyrian, meaning you have to be either High Valyrian, or a descendant of a High Valyrian (as far as your grandparents). Without the blood of the dragon, it would be futile to attempt to hatch one, let alone control one as your own. There is a chance it won’t work despite your descent, perhaps you misread the scripts, and you will lose the egg in the process.

Salt & Smoke
With your new dragon, you will have limited options and power in your grasp, but as it grows, your options will increase. Every dragon is born with one of four physiques, the colour of its scales, and with a name (something that can be changed by renaming the artifact). You will receive the Dragon Rider trait, and you will gain a character modifier displaying the power of your current mount.

Your Choices

  • As your dragon grows out of adolescence, you can check their nesting place to see if they have laid any eggs to claim as your own.
  • You will also gain the power of burning the walls of your enemy, as they attempt to hide behind them.
  • Should a dragon rider die, their mount will flee, with the potential of a new bond between dragon and rider.
  • You may claim the throne of a King or Emperor, a fitting seat for a true descendant of Old Valyria.
  • With an enemy or rival Dragon Rider about, you may seek them out using a character interaction, but a dance of dragons is never a safe route to take.
  • Should you find an unclaimed Dragon within your possession, you can offer the mount to whomever is brave enough to take on the challenge.
  • If you have a child who is young enough, you may cradle a dragon egg with them to test the strength of their descent.

The Bond
There is an intangible bond between dragon and rider, so you will be paired until death does you apart. Should your dragon perish, you may be able to reclaim their skull, if there is a skull to be found. Should your dragon find itself in the location of another ruler (mfer somehow robbed ya dragon in a siege or battle?), it will come back. Gift it away, it will come back. Try to sell them off on the Myrish Artifact Market (free money generator btw with this), it will come back.


Thank you to the CK3 Mod Co-op Discord for the help! (terrapass <3)
Thank you to suizei for AGOT – Dragons of Valyria which helped me start this mod.
Thank you to the CK3 AGOT Developers for the incredible work they continue to put into this mod.

Here is a document talking more in-depth with how your gameplay can go.[]

Required items:

Click the title to search on this site.

A Game of ThronesSteam Workshop
AGOT Submod CoreSteam Workshop
Valyrian SteelSteam Workshop

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.