Lenny’s Field Command Sengoku + Expanded Japan 12TPY+ Portugal Compatch

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Author: Lenny_Froggins

Last revision: 6 Aug at 01:53 UTC (1)

File size: 1.26 MB

On Steam Workshop


Does what it says on the tin!

**MOD IS IN FLUX. LOTS OF UPDATING (and im kinda a spaz, bear with all the updates for now)


***See also: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3301645748

***Red Seal Ship Cannon mod recommended: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3277094523&searchtext=red+seal+ship

This is to balance the extra units added in Expanded Japan + Portugal to Chewie’s wonderful Field Command Sengoku. In addition I have made some tweaks of my own:

-Diplomacy is rebalanced to work with 12 years per turn, thinking of it in terms of YEARS and not TURNS. This, along with higher cap bonuses for trade and alliances, should slow the game down. REMOVED Realm Divide malus (event still may pop idk) because it is nice having friends. 🙂

-ALL Factions (including Portugal, to represent local Christians trained by the Portuguese) get up to 6 Long Yari Kumi (FCS Ashigaru).

-FIXED slow Yumi reload problems in current build of FCS (it was too slow reload glitching the aiming mechanics)

-ALL Naval Bowmen normal arrows now have a reload speed of 1 and a wider spread (less accuracy). Why were they trying to aim so hard on the pitching deck? You’ve got thousands of arrows in the hold! This should make naval combat more dynamic, exciting, and add way more value to the big ships which can now do serious work with those 70+ bowmen.

-Lowered all Japanese ship costs/upkeep from the FCS values. Ocean felt a bit dead as Portugal…

-Portuguese Merchant Crew have been balanced to be cheap "militia" type units. They have been given pistols with range = 30 and 2 ammo because, boat crew! Unit does not have All Ranks Fire as intended.

-Portuguese Musketeers have less spread than the Japanese Teppo soldiers, but they do not have All Ranks Fire. They are devastating, but less manueverable and clunkier to bring to bear with Rank Fire activated.

-Pistoleer Cavalry now has the same 30-range pistols that the Merchant Crew have, but better melee stats so they are more shock cavalry than "stand back at 120 yd and lob 16th century pistol shots" which is insane.

-Portuguese ship costs have been balanced. Galleons take 6 turns to arrive from Batavia when requested, and are very expensive but the Portuguese upkeep them more cheaply than the Japanese would. The Merchant Caravels are only ~170koku after playing a couple Port starts, otherwise the game is extremely slow.

-Portuguese Pikemen, unlike all Japanese Long Yari, have Pike Wall. The Long Yari done have it because Pike Wall is a devastating ability in this game that the AI doesnt know how to deal with. The Pikemen have been balanced so that if they are not in Pikewall, they are much looser than Yari units and will drop their Pikes for their Swords when directly attacked. I’ve balanced it so that Yari Samurai should be in a 1-to-1 (losses) even fight against a Pikewall, but if that Pikewall breaks, the Pikemen are at an at least 2-to-1 disadvantage.

-Added a 40-Man Portuguese Grenadier unit to Powder Maker and above.

-Added a 120-man Portuguese Carabineiros unit. Shorter 150range carbines, quicker reload, bit less ammo, better melee stats, can infiltrate. Musketeers = Skilled long-gun men. Arquebusiers = Front-line matchlocks. Carabineiros = Elite recon infantry.

-Fixed Portuguese Culverin so it now does not fire explosive shells (ahistorical) and has a Grapeshot mode (in game button says Suppressive Fire)

-Fixed Portuguese Galleon marines not firing until point-blank range. Added Spread to all Naval cannons so they arent super accurate like before.
-ALL CASTLE TOWERS now shoot Arquebus regardless of name. This is because in the Sengoku period, there would be loopholes all along the castle walls and men firing and reloading Tanegashimas as fast as they could, so this represents that. It also prevents the player from cheesing the AI at range without cannons, and it gives both the AI and player a better shot at defense with their garrisons vs small attack forces. BEWARE: THEY ARE DEADLY. I play with Strongholds of the Samurai and I have burnt down my own towers with this mod because I knew otherwise the enemy would capture them and they would kill a lot of my guys on the inner-keep walls.
NOTE: Does not affect auto-resolve. You will take heavy casualties in battle without siege weapons taking them out.


-The mod is representational where it needs to be. No, Culverin and Bombards didnt really like like that, and matchlock pistols didnt look like revolvers. 🙂

-The trade node for Raw Silk at the Goto Islands does not light up the picture for Exports on the diplomacy menu. It is just visual.

-Missionary agents cant demoralize or convert Buddhists until they have leveled up once. Not sure if this was intended by the original EJP maker!

Load order:


-Field Command Sengoku : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3247935234&searchtext=field+command


-Field Command Sengoku Lenny’s Tweaks: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3301645748

-Expanded Japan 12yr + Portugal: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3242910520&searchtext=expanded


Chewie – For his excellent work on unit and game balance. He really makes the battles shine and brings me back to the TW games of my youth like Rome and Medieval 2.

Fuwuvi – For making the Portugal + Expanded Japan mod and giving me tons of help figuring out this modding thing!


-Should I comment and give feedback? Yes! I am a rusty old man and I may have forgotten details here and there. Mod has been playtested for Portugal only.

-Will you make a version for 4tpy? 24tpy? No. And dont even ask, depending on the day I may feel like mocking you for not reading. If you want that, use the mods available on the workshop that affect only that and load them high.

-Portugal starts off losing money! This is hard! Is this how it’s meant to be? Yes. You have the choice of disbanding your starting units and getting trade nodes going as fast as you can, or immediately going to war. The Merchant Crew (being slightly larger people) can hold their own against similar-rank Ashigaru, and are deadly with proper use of their pistols, but they will not stand to Samurai!

-Some things are different from the balance in Field Command Sengoku. Yes! As part of balancing the Portuguese into the game and making it all fun, I have made some slight changes to FCS balancing for ranged units and cannons.

-Does this mod work with the EJP with NO Portugal? IDK, it should! That mod just wont call on the Portuguese faction data…I think.


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.