[WOTC] Tunnel & Abandoned Lighting Maps

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Author: Aquilio

Last revision: 6 Sep at 20:46 UTC (2)

File size: 291.19 KB

On Steam Workshop


Do you like Subway and Sewer missions? Yeah, me neither.

This mod adds a variety of lighting to Subway and Sewer maps (day, night, sunset, etc.) to spice up the atmosphere a bit.
With the new lighting, the maps will feel more like abandoned urban depots/industrial areas (or bombed/exposed tunnel sections).

This mod also adds some lighting maps for Daytime and Nightime Abandoned (Lost) missions as an alternative to the green-tinted foggy lighting.

The new lighting is chosen at random/based on day time (just like with normal missions) and does not remove the vanilla "underground" lighting and green-tinted Lost fog options.

Extra info: one of the lighting options (dark foggy night, name: XP_LE_Shell_AC_Lost) is disabled by default, as it has lower visibility compared to other presets. If you want to enable it, remove the semicolon from the config line in the XComMaps.ini file.


Should be compatible with anything, including custom Subway/Sewer and Abandoned City maps.
Can be added or removed during campaign. It’s best to do that in Avenger, when you’re not running a tactical mission. Otherwise, your current level could become dark.


The light fixtures or flashlights might still stand out a bit during daylight gameplay.
Feel free to report any feedback/issues.


Aquilio’s Weather Pack
DLC Lighting Maps
More Environmental Lighting Maps & Darker Nights by ∑3245
Biomes by eclipsezr

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

XCOM 2: War of the Chosen

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.