Agnis – The Extracorporeal [Rep/AB+]

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Author: JSG

Last revision: 31 May, 2021 at 18:10 UTC (1)

File size: 477.18 KB

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Disclaimer: this character is a challenge, Agnis is not OP (not supposed to!), it’s complicated as hell, introduces mechanics that are new to the game and it’s VERY hard to master…it falls in the same category as the lost or the keeper….if you dont want that kind of difficulty and are expecting a simple easy-going character, stay away!. Make sure to take a look at the tips section if you are struggling too much!

This character was originally made for AB+ and is designed around AB+. It has been made compatible with repentance but dont expect crazy stuff regarding rep synergies and stuff like that, it was just ported for preservation sake.

>>For those who just want to try the character for a lil before roaming into the wilderness, I just added an "easy mode" challenge called "The training of Agnis". It’s the same concept except theres NO INSTADEATH and your overall stats are higher.<<
But, again, this will stay as a "challenge" and will never turn into default Agnis.


Agnis cant just shoot tears normaly, she needs to previously leave her body and let one of her 3 souls do the talking!, in order to achieve that, Agnis needs to adopt an extracorporeal form and leave her body behind. Her Souls are powerful but her body is weak, PROTECT IT!, 1 HIT TO HER SOULLESS BODY IS INSTA-DEATH! (I’m not changing this, stop asking)

Agnis has 3 souls, each one with it’s own capabilities, niche uses, and special items (which are only available on the first form you take in a room, so choose your first form wisely!). Her forms are:

* Holy (Up key): your average Isaac form, just shoot tears and protect your BODY!. It replenishes it’s lifespan by damaging enemies, so if you want to stay on this form for long you better hit some enemies!
SPECIAL: lets Agnis swap her soul and body positions (use with care!).

* Dark (Down key): Bombs regenerate!, kill enemies with bombs to redeem their cost(if you have 5 or less) and to increase your soul’s lifespan. A.k.a you spend a bomb, you kill an anemy then you get your bomb back!. This form also allows you to pass through rocks (pick stuff) and is immune to bomb damage. IT CANT USE TEARS THO!
SPECIAL: explodes like the kamikazee item but deals ALOT of dmg without losing hp (you can instakill some minibosses with this).

* Neutral (L/R keys): Turret-mode, CANNOT MOVE, you cant move but you can shoot in 360, have a huge range, knockback and forerate. Has infinite lifespan and wont decay until you use SPACE, which will turn you back to your body form after a short delay.
SPECIAL: Farts and sends tears in all directions to keep enemies away from you.

After you use your special-form items (the ones you get on the first form you take in a room), all the ghosts will recieve "The Ghostbook" an active item that lets you quickly return to your body (in case of the turrret form, it’s the only way to return!). With Holy and Dark forms, you can also return to your body by walking into it.

Active item

Agnis active is the Empy or "Unwritten Book". It looks like an useless item at first but once you beat your first boss it turns into an actual book that will let you turn into any form without leaving your body, THAT MEANS NO INSTAKILL! (removes Agnis’s only weakness!). It will only last for a Room tho, then it will tun back into an Unwritten Book till you beat your next Boss. I suggest saving this for Bosses.


There are qualities that all the souls share which are the following:
– A special ability when first used on a room.
– A "go back to body" space item. If you have the special ghost item, you will get this one after you use the special….so, in a hurry, double tap that spacebar! (I intend to find another way to do this!)
– A limited range, you cant get too far away from your body!
– A lifespan. Souls decay, after a certain amount of time you’ll be back at your body! (*)
– A sustain mechanism. Dark and Holy can expand their lifespan by damaging enemies. (*)
– CANT USE NORMAL ACTIVE ITEMS, unless they just picked them up.
– AGNIS NORMAL FORM CANT FLY (doesnt matter what items you have, she’s afraid of heights)

(*) The turret one is an exception to these ones.

Easy Mode (The training of Agnis Challenge)

To access this mode, head to the custom challenges menu (press tab on the challenges section) and select "The training of Agnis".
It’s basically a WAY easier version of the character for those who are into that sort of thing or for those who want to try the character or practice the mechanics. It’s like a midpoint between Isaac and Agnis (a.k.a Isaac before falling into his psycho-self). Stuff thats changed:
– 3 Red hearts, instead of 2 Black ones
– 10 bombs, instead of 5
– No instakill
I’m thinking it’s probably WAY too easy, even for an easy mode…so I’ll probably iterate on it if people play it too much.

THIS IS NOT HOW THE MOD IS INTENDED TO BE PLAYED, take that in mind….this is just my answer for people who want "an easier version of the mod" or "a way to practice the mechanics" , it’s just a plus, the real thing is on the character selection menu and doesnt have visible eyes 😀


* When you see a tear going your body’s way, a good reaction is to SMASH THAT SPACE BAR!, specially if you are in Dark or Holy form where the swap is almost instant (once mastered this will save 90% of your instadeaths).
* In turret mode, keep the target close to yourself, that way you can aim faster!
* If there are annoying mobs on a room, use your Dark form first and explode them quickly!
* If you are on a big room with tons of mobs, it’s also a good idea to explode some of them
* Try to position yourself behind rocks to use the Neutral-Turret form so you can "filter" huge hordes of moves to come 1 by 1.
* Leeches and Moliboombs are a pain, try to either blow them up as quickly as you can (preferably with the Dark special) or use the turret mode to keep them away.
* You can kill most minibosses by using the Dark special item only!
* Quickly switch to dark before a bomb explodes, if you kill something you’ll get it back!
* Use Holy’s Special (swap) to fool your enemies into chasing the wrong body. Enemies wont go for the ghost most of the time, they want the body!
* Try to save your "power ghost book" for boss-battles, trust me.

Too Hard? Too annoying? Too frustrating? Why?

I want all the feedback I can get so if you are not happy with any particular feature of this mod PLEASE let me know in the comments!
Not gonna lie tho, I want this to be hard and border-line frustrating experience close to the lost-keeper ….but if you have any suggestions that are not removing insta-death, I’m all ears.

Bugs? Crashes? Unfairness?, Exploits? I want to know!

If you find bugs/crashes or even rooms that you think are "Unbeatable" please let me know….if you find an unbeatable room, please leave the seed. Ofc, there are some rooms that are universally unbeatable for hard characters like Agnis (and the keeper or lost) dont bring those ones up coz I already know about them -.- (crawl space Krampus, im looking at ya).

Also, please, if you crash…try again with your other mods off and if the crash persists then leave a message leaving some of this info:
– Error Log (this would be perfect)
– System specs
– Seed
– An explanation of what was happening when the crash occurred.

Enjoy the Mod

PS: In a million years I would have expected 3000 subs for a mod of this kind of nature, I’m glad so many people wanted some challenge in custom characters and that I’m not the only masochist over here…
Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.