No Cut Efficiency

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Author: Lyston

Last revision: 6 Mar, 2020 at 06:17 UTC (2)

File size: 62.46 KB

On Steam Workshop


This is a mod that removes cut efficiency and applies that value towards cut resistance instead.

Let me tell you about Kenshi’s cut efficiency. In theory, it’s a nifty idea to have a certain percent of resisted cut damage to be converted to blunt damage instead. However, the execution is just ridiculous. You immediately take the blunt damage regardless of all subsequent layers of armor protecting that area. This results in absurd, backwards scenarios where wearing lower quality armor (or even none) can be superior to more layers of armor.

Here is an example:

Pretend you take a 100 cut damage hit to the right leg. You are wearing (all Masterwork) a Dustcoat, Samurai Legplates, and Samurai Boots. The Dustcoat has 60% coverage, meaning a 60% chance of blocking damage. If it does, you block 26 cut damage (44% Cut Resist * 60% Cut Efficiency) and you take an immediate 18 direct blunt damage (44 resisted – 26 blocked = 18 damage from inefficiency) from cut efficiency regardless of any other protection. The remaining 56 goes to the next layer. The Legplates have 100% chance to block 40 damage, take an immediate 5 damage (thanks efficiency), and the remaining 11 go to the next layer. The Boots have 100% efficiency, so you have a 40% chance to block 9 of 11 damage. So in total you take 25 or 34 damage.

Now if you TAKE OFF the Dustcoat (or the 40% chance it MISSES it), if you REMOVE that extra layer of protection, the Legplates receive all 100 damage. You block 73, take an immediate 8 damage (efficiency), and the remaining 19 goes to Boots. 40% chance the Boots will block 15 of 19 damage. In total, you take 12 or 27 damage.

Because of this backwards, awful efficiency system, you reduce more damage by striping off a Masterwork layer of protection than keeping it on. Even worse, wearing a PROTOTYPE Dustcoat reduces more damage than a Masterwork thanks to this system (take less direct damage from cut efficiency, more damage mitigated by Legplates).

This illogical system frustrated me to the point of making this mod. What it does is instead applies the efficiency value towards cut resistance, so a Dustcoat with 44% cut resist, 60% cut efficiency will instead have 26% cut resist (44% * 0.6). Using the previous example as a reference, the Dustcoat still blocks 26 cut damage but now all of the remaining 74 (56+18) goes onto the next layer. No immediate direct damage ignoring all other armor. No dumb "More protection is worse protection" absurd scenarios.

That’s it. There are no other special tweaks or adjustments to give a player advantages or disadvantages. Just removing cut efficiency and adjusting cut resistance to account for it. This will make characters, both player and enemy, a bit more resilient to cut damage as they are no longer taking magic direct damage.


"Why not just have the converted cut-to-blunt damage pass to the next layer instead of removing Cut Efficiency entirely?"

Since about half of this mod’s comments are asking about this, I’ll put the answer here. The reason is because I can’t. So far as I’m aware, modders have no access to the game’s formulas or calculations. This mod is a workaround that still passes the damage to the next layer but without converting it to blunt. It is an imperfect solution, but that’s all I can do with the FCS toolset. Only the dev could change the actual calculation to pass the converted blunt on.


"What about armors introduced by other mods?"

This mod does not alter a single non-vanilla armor. However, I recently did work some of the more popular.

NCE for Gusoku Armor Set:

NCE for Mediocre Black Armor:


Also, another modder by the name of blot made several additional NCE patches for other armor mods. I double-checked blot’s numbers for the new cut resistances (adjusted to account for removed cut efficiency) and, while not perfect for every single piece, the most deviation I saw was 1-2% on a couple of the Masterwork versions (ie, 52% instead of the expected 51%). Not too shabby for the volume of patches he made. If you’re interested, here’s the list:

NCE for OMO’S ARMOUR for the World:

NCE for More Plate Options:

NCE for Dread Gear:

NCE for Dread Bindings:

NCE for Wolf Headgear:

NCE for Impaler Armor Set:


Yet another modder by the name of Thundercraft made several additional NCE patches for other armor mods. If you’re interested, here’s the list:

NCE for Unique Phoenix Armor:

NCE for Black Dragon Ninja Armour:

NCE for The Dust King:

NCE for "Wear your hats with everything":



This mod edits "cut def bonus" and "cut into stun" values for every piece of armor with cut efficiency. If you have another mod that edits those values, place this above or below it in your load order depending on which mod’s effects you prefer (put the one you prefer lower in the list). It does not modify any armors outside of the vanilla game.


(2020-03-05) v4
Update to included Monk Robe, Black Rag Shirt, and Holy Servant Rags.

Added Thundercraft’s patches to the list for non-vanilla armor mods. Download them separately from the links above.

Added a guide in the Discussions page for how to make your own NCE edits for armors from other mods.

Added blot’s patches to the list for non-vanilla armor mods. Download them separately from the links above.

Made 2 patches to non-vanilla armor mods. Download them separately from the links above.

(2019-07-18) v3
Update to included Dyed Robes.

(2019-07-17) v2
Update to include the three versions of Halfpants I had missed.

(2019-07-16) v1
This is the first version of the mod, which I’m calling version 0.9. I’ve combed through all the armors multiple times to make sure I did not miss any, and I’ve checked dozens of sets of armors to make sure all the cut resistance values are right across varying qualities. However, I am still human and may have still missed one or fudged a value somewhere. Let me know if you find any armor showing unusual resistances or still depicting cut resistance, and I’ll try to fix it right up.

Lastly, because of some hidden scales and values I cannot predict, a few of lower quality versions of armors may be 1% off of their expected resistance due to rounding errors. The mod edited every Masterwork to its new cut resistance and lets the quality system take care of the rest.



Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.