Eknoh – The Platformer [Rep/AB+]

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Author: JSG

Last revision: 8 Dec, 2022 at 00:24 UTC (4)

File size: 1.53 MB

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Eknoh is a modded character that plays like a platformer game. It may sound simple, but it’s not so keep reading! (read the controls at least!)
Many changes were made across the board in an attempt to make Eknoh work in a game that clearly wasnt designed for him to be a thing, so this character may seem overcomplicated…..because it is overcomplicated. BUT with patience you can get a glimpse of it after a few runs.
The changes go from the way you shoot tears and the way to traverse the stages to the gridentities you will encounter among the way.

This character was originally made for AB+ and is designed around AB+. It has been made compatible with repentance but dont expect crazy stuff regarding rep synergies and stuff like that, it was just ported for preservation sake.

Disclaimer: This character is a "challenge-style" one, it’s not a "pickup and go", it fundamentaly changes some of the game rules so it takes practice. If you are in for a challenge go on, if you want a chill and familiar experience I’d strongly suggest to stay away from this one.


* DOWN ARROW: Jumps, if you are hugging a wall you can wall-jump too ala Meatboy. Also busts the bubble.
* RIGHT ARROW(+A/S/W/D): Become invulnerable to damage for a few frames and dash in the pressed direction dmaaging enemies along the way (ex: [>] + [w] dashes upwards). The distance gets extended for each enemy you hit with the dash.
* LEFT ARROW: Shoot a tear in the satelite direction (your last move). You can hold it to charge a super shot ala Choco Milk. If you charge long enough, you will get a piercing-ghost giant tear (the satelite will turn yellow). Shooting enemies several times will mark them for extra dash damage.
* UP ARROW: Fires a rope(wire) that you can climb. Ropes are your only way to move upwards other than jumping.Tears that pass trough the wire charge it releasing static sparks that damage enemies that are touching the wire.
* S Key(movedown): Aims the satelite down and charges it with electricity so you can damage enemies that touch it. Hitting enemies with momentum will make you pogo-jump them.

New Gridentities

Heres a new set of platformer-oriented gridentities that you’ll find on your way down:
Conveyor belt: Pushes you arround while standing on it.
Gas Cloud: Slows you down and DAMAGES YOU if you stay for too long!
ON/OFF Pistons: A special version of the classic unbreakable blocks, except this ones go on and off. They’ll DAMAGE YOU if they come out while you are standing in front of them.
Spring: makes you jump. Holding jump will allow you to jump higher than normal


– When you enter a room you’ll be trapped inside a bubble until you jump, some rooms are complex so take some time before busting your bubble and falling into your evitable demise.
– While dashing up, combo it with the pogo for a safer landing.
– You start with 5 bombs, farm hp with the for the first levels, sht gets real after the caves!
– Use the dash to get out of the Acid or trough curse room doors!
– For big bosses that you cant dash through, try to calculate it so you can kill them with the Dashx3 bonus.
– The satellite can shoot through 1 tile of rock if you stand close.
– You can charge your shot while dashing, do it.

Special Synergies

Some items need to be reworked to fir the platformer theme or to be viable with Eknoh. Here I’ll try to put up a list with stuff thats intentionally changed. For now, the things that are changed are the following:
– Familiars: Only shoot left and right, like Eknoh.
– Flight items: You can flap!, but you dont fly over gridentities as that would be very boring with Eknoh.
– Epic Fetus: Fires a Misile that explodes on contact…yea, quite ♥♥♥♥♥♥, but I couldnt come up with a better way of doing this.
– Dr Fetus: fires a tear that, on contact with other stuff, drops a bomb that then explodes.
– Moms Knife: The satelity holds a knife while shooting.
– Soy Milk/Epiphora: you fire shots while charging, machine-gun/normal isaac style.
– Ludo: you get an extra tear follower.

Weird Synergies (Partially work or work weirdly)

In general, Eknoh is not very fond of familiars, but here I’ll try to cover the full list….if you find more of these plz let me know:
– Bob’s Brain: you have to walk beside him to fire him, it’ll stand still otherwise.
– Lil Gurdy: he will stand still for a room then go beserk.
– The Peeper: this one is actually better with eknoh than with any other character. You can actually controll it, it will only move left/right and you can control the up/down direction as you fire.
– Robo Baby 2.0

Broken Synergies (todolist-esque)

Items that just wont work, if you find more lemme know!
– Pause
– Gnawed Leaf
– Choco Milk
– Ladder


– Why tho?
Mainly just because I can and also had fun doing it.
– Will all your characters be hard/weird/gimmicky?
– The caves spikes too hard in difficulty?
Thinking of ways to make it more gradual but this is the point where it gets harder and it will stay that way.
– Can you apply Eknoh physics to enemies?
Yes, but it just doesnt work with most enemies, I playtested it.
– Can you remove the new grid entities? Can you make just isaac but as a platformer, without all this weird sht?
No, a platformer character wont work without "weird sht".
– Are there any synergies?
Yes, but nothing flashy on this department yet.
– Can I play with a gamepad?
– Is this as hard as your last character?
Harder than Gurzil, easier than Agnis.
– Can I make a character with a platformer mechanic?
I dont own the rights to making a platformer character. You wont have to credit me unless you use my messy code.
– Why is this one just Isaac with a monitor head?
I had a lot of cool ideas for a theme…but due to my lack of artistic skills this is as much as I could poop out for now.
– I hate tapping fire, can you change it to hold?
I played with the idea of having 2 fire-modes for a while….I may do that in the future if this ends up being too much of an issue. For now, if you want to fire tears kinds-like Isaac, just give Eknoh Epiphora.
– I have 468 mods and Eknoh just crashed the game?
I highly doubt your other 467 mods work well either, this game is just not prepared to have that many mods installed at the same time.


If you have any suggestions throw them at me, I want to know what people think about my mods. Just take in mind that I have no obligation to make the changes you suggest and that I may agree or disagree with them.

Incompatible Mods

Cant dash, fire the rope?, this is probably the issue. List of currently known incompatibilities:
– Gemstones


Before reporting anything try this:
1- Disable all the other mods
2- Enable the Eknoh mod only
3- Close the game with the Eknoh mod enabled (only the Eknoh mod)
4- Reopen the game and play
5- Does it crash?, If the answer is yes, proceed.
6- Open the "log.txt" file located at "C:UsersUserDocumentsMy GamesBinding of Isaac Afterbirth+", copy the error lines and paste them here.

To report a bug/Crash, please post a comment or Add me on steam, including the posible cause. Also, if possible tell me what other mods do you currently have.
I’ll do my best to keep up with the fixes but, please, be patient.

PS: "it doesnt work" wont get the problem solved, if you want your problem to be solved, you need to cooperate and try to provide as much info as possible on your issue.

Enjoy The Mod!
Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.