Resistance Heroes Incursion

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Author: Puma_The_Great

Last revision: 25 Jun, 2020 at 09:01 UTC (6)

File size: 4.69 MB

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"In case you needed a helping hand, commander, our soldiers are here to assist…"

This mod adds 4 (four) sitreps, that spawn friendly resistance teams, that will assist you in battle.

Sitreps that have a chance to appear are:

Skirmisher Battlemaster Party
3 Skirmishers (Later 4 or 5), one of which is much stronger are in the AO as fire support.
If you’re using Skirmisher capes
and skirmisher helmets
then the skirmishers will look just like in photos. Their appearance also varies depending on their tier, and type.
3 unit types with three tiers each. They behave just like Skirmishers would. Credit to derbk for skirmisher AI in ABA and to RealityMachina for Marauder AI trees.

Templar Psionic Assistance
3 Templar soldiers are in the area (Later more), Tearing through enemy units, and gathering focus. They have above average will and dodge bonuses.
If you have Templar helmets In the playthrough, the templars will use really cool helmets made by Claus.
Just like skirmishers, there are 3 unit types with three tiers each. AI Lines snatched from Cult of jariah by reality made sure they act the way they were meant to be.

Reaper Stalkers
3-5 Reapers are creeping through the AO, looking for prey. They do not utilize the Shadow mechanics, but i recompensed it by giving them defense (Lowering the chance for them to be hit in any situation). Large critical chance on the other hand recompenses low base damage output of their rifles.
As usually, there are 3 reaper types, with 3 tier variants. They are steered by a generic AI, that sometimes tries to detonate explosives carried by the enemies.

Joint Resistance Task Force
3-5 Resistance units, with 3 guaranteed stronger units from every faction, along with random other faction soldiers when team is larger than 3, are assisting your squad. Each of them fights in their own manner, but they move as a team.

All new resistance units use a new resistance target Icon that I made myself, but You’ll propably never experience it in game, unless one of those folks gets mind controlled, or you’ll try to heal one of them.

Also try out my other Sitrep mods

SCP Foundation Operatives
Chaos Insurgency Incursion
Global Occult Coalition Intervention


-RealityMachina, for Original Banditry mod, that I based most of my mods on, further evolving it with every Release, and for Skirmisher, and templar AI, and for Custom skirmisher and templar frames (?) I was able to mount body parts on.
-Derbk, for Advent Avenger AI from ABA, that i mixed with the lines taken from Reality’s.

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
Required items:

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