Sailbacks – Mechanical Beasts of Burden

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Author: IdeaDork

Last revision: 28 Jul, 2020 at 22:16 UTC (1)

File size: 90.89 MB

On Steam Workshop


“Power is, as I’m sure you’ve seen above ground, a very valuable commodity. I’m not talking about some abstract concept of control, I mean real, tangible power. The kind that keeps the lights on.”

The old world was filled with dazzling wonders of technology – or irresponsible abuses of the natural order – depending on who you ask. Like the Skeletons left behind when the world was broken, other metallic creatures, their original purposes lost to conjecture, now wander aimlessly through the flood plains.

The Sailbacks are among these remnants: enormous skittering constructs silently wading through acidic cesspools, waving their sails in unison like the banners of an ancient army.

Sailbacks are generally docile creatures, but few have been subdued into useful animals. A sailback that will take orders, however, is an unmatched utilitarian beast, able to bear far more on their iron stilt-legs than a creature of flesh and bone. But some adventurers do not seek out Sailbacks for their carrying capacity, but for the mythical (and valuable) treasures they’re rumored to contain.

Sailbacks will patrol and nest wherever Iron Spiders roam. In addition, some groups of Skeletons have managed to tame them, making use of their great hauling capacity and endurance to peddle exotic wares throughout the Great Desert. Sailbacks are large and tough to kill; they could make formidable war beasts in the right hands. But some resourceful Tech Hunters have converted them to an entirely different purpose: the same role they must have fulfilled in ancient times…

This mod adds the Sailbacks themselves, two small nomadic factions that sell and hunt them, and a tiny addition to the Research tree that I’ll leave to the inventive to discover.

NOTE: This mod lists my other mod, Processor Units, as a dependency. I certainly recommend that you use both (with this mod placed under Processor Units in your load order), but the mod will still work if you choose not to. That mod is found here:

Also found on the Nexus here:

Let me know if you experience any problems with this mod.

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Processor Unit - Robotic Pack MuleSteam Workshop

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.