Dwarfs – The Underway

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Author: Rumpl4

Last revision: 8 Dec, 2020 at 08:37 UTC (1)

File size: 307.2 KB

On Steam Workshop


IN BRIEF: Dwarf Underway overhaul mod

Link to SFO Submod is at the bottom of the page

What it does:

Uses the geomantic web mechanic to represent the Dwarf Underway system – A new button has been added to the campaign wheel on the right side of the UI

As the Underway level is increased it increases the strength of the commandment selected, the current underway level is shown by the pips on the side of the bar next to the commandment or on the new bar added to the bottom left of the UI. to get the underway to max construction you need to build underway buildings in major settlements that are linked together, this linkage can be seen using the new underway button on the right side of the screen

Max Underway construction

To increase the level of the underway a new building chain called "Underway" has been added within the economy section of the settlement, this building can only be built in Major settlements from tier 3 and above

If when accessing the underway the circle around the settlement is pulsing, this tells you, you need to upgrade the underway in linked settlements before the construction level can increase

New building chain provides:

1.Buffs to trade
2.Buffs friendly movement
3.Reduction to enemy movement

To do list:

I want to add 3 additional features ASAP

1. ability to instantly travel from one dwarf hold to another if both holds have a tier 5 Underway (the scripting for this looks quite complicated, if anyone wants to work with me on this, drop me a message)
2. ability to summon a unit of Irondrakes if the local hold has a tier 5 Underway (this is added to my local copy, just testing it currently)
3. add Undercity detection at each level of the new Underway building (i’m not going to add this, i feel this would be excessive power creep)

this is the first overhaul i’ve attempted, i will fix issues as they are highlighted, I will attempt to balance based on feedback and add additional pictures shortly

And as always:

Shout out to Maal for providing the artwork

Maal has also created an SFO submod, this can be found here



Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.